Friday 26 February 2010

Folksy Friday meets Twitter

Birds are sweet, aren’t they? They remind us of spending time out in the summer sun, listening to their songs, or of time spent in front of the PC promoting our shops on Twitter!

Here are my Folksy birdy picks:

 A pair of beautiful lovebird bowls from Prince Design UK

These lovely blue birds (my fave colour, in case you hadn't guessed!) on a print from sooziebee

This gorgeous handbag from Uniquely Different which I really, really want - but OH says we need a bigger house before I can buy any more handbags :(

And lastly, in hommage to the Etsy front page, we must have an owl.


That's from Kool Kooky Kreatures 
Tweet, tweet everyone!


Please share your thoughts here - the more, the merrier! I've had to enable word verification because of the amount of spam comments - sorry, I know it's a pain!

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